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Join my support team!


I cannot do this alone. 


God is orchestrating a concert of global activity in which tens of thousands of new missionaries are going to every people, tribe, tongue and nation. And every one of them needs a solid team of senders. If you want to personally be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing in Japan, please pray about joining an area of my support team. If one of the following areas are highlighted to you, ask the Lord to give you His heart for Japanese people, and let me know where He has put on your heart to serve. 


Areas of need


MORAL SUPPORT:  If you are a major encourager who speaks truth, this might be a fruitful team to be on. The enemy will use every lie to try to fight God's truth and keep the gospel from reaching the Japanese people. Being in a new place with new people can open the door to insecurity and unbelief. I need people to remind me always of the goodness and bigness of God, and to remind me that I am not actually alone at all whilst I am away from supporters, friends, and family. 


LOGISTICS SUPPORT:  An extended trip like this involves way more details than I can possibly keep track of on my own. Being a U.S. citizen but living in a foreign country is tricky and I need help sorting through the gritty details like taxes, storage, moving, transportation, vehicles, etc. There is also a need for financial accountability and organization. If you are proactive and good with details and keeping accountability, this is a place you can help me. 


FINANCIAL SUPPORT:  This is usually what people think of first when they think of missionary support, and it is incredibly important. There is no salary for being a staff member of YWAM Tokyo. This means that I will need help with the living expenses. We get to be God's stewards, but everything, including our time and money, is his. Acts 20:35 says that it is more blessed to give than to receive. If the Lord is teaching you that truth, or if you know that giving financially is how you can support God's work in Japan, please pray about joining this team.  


PRAYER SUPPORT:  Prayer warriors! Japan needs intercessors. We are all one in the spirit, just as Jesus is one with the Father. Not every missionary in Japan is physically in the country itself. Although anyone supporting me will be praying for Japan and for me, a designated team is needed to intentionally pray for the nation. Prayer is about enforcing Christ's victory over Satan, and it is the arena of spiritual warfare. If God has called you to stand in the gap for others and shift cities through prayer, please consider joining this team. 


COMMUNICATION SUPPORT:  When a group of people is split up all over the earth, communication becomes vital for unity. Communication support is all about caring for your missionary and then expressing it. I need help communicating my needs in Tokyo with my team back home, and also staying in touch with the needs and the spiritual battles happening in their lives. If God has gifted you with creativity, good communication, and bringing people together, this support team might be best for you. 


REENTRY SUPPORT:  This is usually the most neglected of all the areas of support. I know from my previous reentry after my first trip to Japan that not having this kind of support was damaging, and most of all devastating. Reentry is often the hardest part of an overseas experience. This time will be about accountability partners, and people who are willing to listen and help with readjustment. I need friends who are willing to pray for this time, and to help me follow the Lord into whatever he has for me after Tokyo. 

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